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Avengers! Updated review

When asking Dr. Oblivion for help with this review I received some good feedback especially compared to my piece on the technical manifesto. He pointed out what a super fan that I was which you could have probably already tell by my first review. I stand by my opinion and my first review. The first movie of the Avengers was a fantastic first movie of this franchise. It really tied all of the different characters with incredibly different backgrounds together to create this dynamic team with great on-screen chemistry and an excellency written story without trying to hard.

One of the great aspects of the Avengers is that it has elements that the whole family can enjoy. There’s action, comedy, romance, drama, rivalry, suspense, and so much more. There’s an element in this movie that I think truly everyone can enjoy.

Let’s talk about themes in the movie. Friendship, teamwork, believing in yourself, overcoming adversity. Are some of the main themes in the movie. The avengers didn’t start out as friends and some of them didn’t always agree with how to go about things. A good example of this dynamic would be Captain America and Iron Man. Captain America being the all-around guy who wants to serve his country with pride. Then you have Iron Man the highly intelligent and sarcastic rich guy that liked to do things differently. Yet they were able to put aside their differences and beliefs to fight for the greater good. People that started off as strangers became a solid group of friends and that was one of the enjoyable parts of the movie is watching the characters grow and evolve.

There are a few classic tropes in the movie being brother against brother. One being the popular one and the other one not so much. I enjoyed this dynamic because the villain was almost likable and there was one particular scene, he was in that had the whole audience laughing when I was able to view in the theater.

All and All the first Avengers movie was a great start to the entire franchise and its a movie that I think everyone can enjoy!






One response to “Avengers! Updated review”

  1. Rishi Shankar Avatar
    Rishi Shankar

    I really like how you chose for the Avengers for the AI movie. I chose Iron Man so we are talking about movies from the same franchise and I thought that was pretty cool.

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